Thursday, February 5, 2009

Day Two at Kinder

Boncie had a ball on his second day at Kinder. This time he stayed all by himself and loved it!! No tears or asking for me, just getting on with his day and being a good boy!! The Teacher's said he's a very confident little man ;-)

Boncie and his Teacher, Pam washing his hands after playing with the foam creme!
Oh what a lovely mess!!
The foam creme was his fave. part of the day I think!

Here he is just before he went in for his first day on his own!!!!
We walked to Kinder as it is so close, here he is just before we go in!


MOUZEY said...

walked - looks like a little man was slack and wanted to be pushed.

how long is his days at kinder? 5.5
hrs? I used to drop mine off and have to go as the teachers wouldn't allow us to stay, how are you allowed to stay? Just asking coz all the photo's thats all or do they take them for you during the period of the day?.

How's work going? whats new?
Kid's got told that there dad & tara are having a new baby come September. mmmm, they don't really care as they have to many now.

TTYL luvs mousey xxxx

Lizyloo said...

Hi there,

It's only 3 year old kinder, not 4 year old kinder so only 3 hour session once a week.

I only stayed for the first 5 minutes, not sure if we would have been able to stay for the whole session.

Works great, love it. Boncie started swimming lessons today and LOVED it. Going to load pics. on blog now of his first lesson.