Thursday, January 29, 2009

"Kinder is Fun Mummy"

Boncie went along to Kinder for the first time today for a short induction session and LOVED it. He went straight in and walked up to all the teachers and kids and said my name is Boncie, what's your name!!!!!! When we left he said "Mummy Kinder if fun, I love it" He ran around for the full hour playing with all the toys and kids and when it was time to go he high fived everyone and said goodbye!!
The teachers' said "You're not shy are you Boncie"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Not surprisingly he's the tallest in his class, towering over most of the kids!!

Making himself at home!!
And again!

Kinder was very well airconditioned thankfully as it is 44 deg. cel. today in Melbourne. The hot weather doesn't seem to bother Boncie, he said to me today "Mummy I love it hot like it is today, can you please turn off the airconditioner as it's making it cold"!!!!!! He helped me fill the car with petrol today, however accidently pressed the emergency stop button so all the petrol tanks turned off!!!! Shell were very good about it as were the other boiling customers!!

1 comment:

spangles said...

thanks for the e-mail photos earlier. Boncie certainly seems to have loved kindergarten. Love the shorts outfit - how casual is that for your first day!