Wednesday, December 31, 2008

New Years Eve

A kilo of fresh picked Mulberry's from Ding's tree Made into a Mulberry Swirl Cake!

Baked and ready to cool
Icing made from the Mulberry coulis and icing sugar; what a great colour
Berry theme to this NYE! From Manda's Mum garden, Organic Cherry and Blackberry Vodka crush!

Mmmmmmm the cake with creme

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

What a Perfect Birthday!!

What a simply perfect Birthday I had today! We spent it with my dearest friend, Ding, her partner and their beautiful Daughter, Immy. Boncie had a ball with Immy, they are such good pals and love seeing each other. Boncie was rather taken by Immy's whistles and played on them all day!!!! We picked some yummy ripe mulberrys from the bush and danced around it with the kids singing 'Here we go roung the mulberry bush'! I'm going to bake a mulberry swirl cake tomorrow for NYE, mmmmmmm Boncie helped picked the mulberrys.......

The kids on Ding's scooter
Cutting the beautiful cake my boys made me

Blowing out the candles on my lovely cake!
Another cake made for me by Sarah, strawberry cheese cake, very yummy!

Immy and Boncie having a yack!

Boncie banging out a number on Immy's mic.

My cake!
Park time for the kids!
Boncie on the horse!
The kids playing with Ding's scooter
Stop off at the corner shop for a bite to eat on the way up!!
Thank you to everyone for your lovely messages and gifts, I had such a relaxing and wonderful day! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Late December Happenings

Boncie making Mummy's Birthday cake with Dadda! Again, helping make Mummy's Birthday cake, how this is helping I don't know!!!!!
Serious Poddle making cake!
Sieve guitar!
Small Paul
Mmmmm, green jelly, pears and tomatoe sauce??????????????

Boncie and his pony, Toby!!
Cheeky Boncie peeking through the flowers!!

Pups and I
Boncie and Pups
Boncie back at the beach on his board!!
Boncie decorating his wellies from Spangles, DD and Belle

Friday, December 26, 2008

Boxing Day at the Beach

We are lucky enough to live very close to the lovely Williamstown beach. Boxing day was spent at the beach. Boncie LOVES the beach. Here's a castle we built.Wiggles pasta time
The boys
Cute little man in his bordies!

More hands make light work

Boncie and Mumma

Dadda and Mumma
Cool dude!! Hard day at the beach, ready for bed now!!

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas Day, Yay!

Boncie had a ball today. He hung out with the kids in the pool and sand box! Ready to hoe into his Xmas dinner
Lizyloo and Jamie - very dapper!!! Too much vino perhaps??!!

Poodle and Lizyloo
Boncie being cheeky
Boncie being cute!

And again!

Very serious opening his gifts!!

Boncie and Mumma
Lizyloo and Jamie
Noely and GG Pups
Mum and I
Dad and I
Noely and I
Smooch for Noely
Danni and I
GG Pups and I
Kids having fun with the bubbles!

Brook blowing bubbles!!
Great day had by all and what smashing weather - Merry Christmas!!!!