Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Goodbye Huggies, hello undies

Boncie has started to want to be a 'bigger boy' and use the toilet! So we have got in all the necessaries as you can see below and will begin toilet training this week. Luckily we have a few weeks off so I think we'll be spending a fair few days at home and in the toilet!! (a special thanks to Mrs KA for the lend of the books and the PowerPoint notes - you're a diamond xx)


♥peachkins♥ said...

that's good.

spangles said...

good luck with that then!!!!!! They also sell a product over here which is a smily face that you put in the loo and it's where little ones should aim to wee - called OnTarget - want me to get some for Boncie???

Lizyloo said...

Ohhhh yes please, only if it's no trouble that would be super.

I love your picnic basket, sound like you are having some lovely weather over there. Send some this way, it's cold....today was 15 deg. cel and it was very cold...well for me anyway!!