Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Where's Alley Mumma!

Boncie asked today 'Where's my cat Alley'? It's been almost a month since Alley died and Boncie's only just realised he's missing!

We told him that Alley died and that he won't be coming back. This may sound blunt but we wanted to be honest with him when he asked. We didn't do the whole cat in the sky thing as we are not religious but when he's a little older and understands we'll explain that lots of people have various views on what happens when you die, but until he's old enough to make up his own mind on death, we thought we best be honest and to the point.

Boncie said 'I want my Alley, I love him'. Poor little fella, he doesn't quite get death, however he does understand that Alley's not coming back.

1 comment:

spangles said...

Poor thing - I suppose it had to come. I bet you were so upset telling him. It's difficult to know whether kids can understand the consept isn't it. Hopefully he wont be too upset for long.