Tuesday, April 29, 2008

The Cat Rules this Roost!

We have two cats, a dog, in door fish, outdoor fish and temp. a bunny. The black and white cat rules the roost here, as you can see she's taken over the dogs mat and he doesn't get a say!!

Bunny Comes to Stay

We have friends who have the most beautiful bunny named Flap Jacks. Flap Jacks (FJ) was thought to be a 'he', until 'she' went to the Vets to have her operation! We bunnysit when ever our friends go away. Boncie adores FJ and FJ actually adores him! In fact, FJ gets along very well with the cats and the dog. We think in the wild she would not survive given she cuddles up to our cats and dog....hmmmm think they are actually your preditors FJ :-)

Saturday, April 26, 2008

My Abode

Boncie decided he wanted to make a house this morning so we took the seats off the Chesterfield and hung a sheet over the sofa and whooollaaaa, you have a home!!

I Feel the Need, The Need for Speed!

Little Boncie all rugged up in the autumn weather in his little bommer jacket - reminds me of Tom Cruise in Top Gun!!

Boncing's so much Fun!!!!

Boncie loves to bounce, wheather it be on a bouncing castle, our bed, the trampoline of just on the ground.

All tired out after a hard day's bouncing

Friday, April 25, 2008

Greek Easter

This year Anzac Day was also the same day as Greek Good Friday (Easter). Friday night we went up to the local Greek Church with our Greek neighbours. We walk around the streets behind the below pic which is a coffin with christ in it. Very interesting experience. We don't follow any religion however I want to have some insight into various religions so that when B0ncie is older and asks questions regarding religon - we can give him a little bit of background to all the various religions.

Anzac Day Proceedings Part II

Playing at Govt. House Knocking on the door of Govt. House
Being cute

I love to pose Look everyone it's a plane
again, I love to pose
beautiful boy
cheeky boy

Playing in the park of rememberance on Anzac Day - Boncie LOVED playing amoungst the autum leaves near the Arunta tree.
Running through the leaves in the park having a jolly time
climbing trees, with the help of Poodle!!!!

Exploring the first Government House

Anzac Day Proceedings Part I

Anzac Day kicks off on the Thursday before the Anzac Day with the Arunta reunion lunch at the RSL. GGPups and Co. Then on Anzac Day we march with GGPups in the Anzac Day march in the CBD - GGPups with his meds. and Boncie - Boncie's first year of marching. Boncie loved it, he waved and clapped at all the respecting onlookers as we marched up to the Shrine of Rememberance.
Final stop is at the Arunta tree for refreshments and cake.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Household Products

Boncie is already enviornmentaly aware!! He knows not the waste water and points to our many enviornment friendly products around the house and says 'they good bottles, they can go on garden'. We use the below products as they are grey water friendly and he always asks why we put water with bubbles on the garden. So some of what we have been teaching him 'bout the enviornment is sinking in!!

Carn you Spurs

Poodle plays football tonight (real football with the round ball - sorry all you AFL fans :-) ) and Boncie always puts on Poodle's football kit (Spurs of course!) before Poodle gets ready for the game.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

My Notebook

Boncie loves to play on his notebook every night before bed. Nanny Nols gave it to him as part of his Birthday gift. He brings his notebook up and sits it next to our own. He knows not to touch ours, or the mouse. So when I went to pick up his mouse to show him something he said, 'No Mumma, you not touch this mouse, this my mouse, you touch your mouse'!!!!!

Tuesday's are Nanny's Day

Every Tuesday Boncie hangs with his Nanny. The day usually consists of playing in the sand box, shopping and going for a walk. Today Boncie informed Nanny that 'I have a doodleloo and Dadda also has a big doodleloo'!! Nanny was speechless

Monday, April 21, 2008

Little Miss Button

Here is my version of Little Miss Button, who I made for darling Emey

In My Dadda's Shoes

Boncie is fascinated currently with putting on his 'Dadda's Trainers' he does it almost every day at the mo.

Monday's Consist of Nanny Nols and Gaspatcho Soup

Monday's are Nanny Nols day and Boncie LOVES and looks forward to Monday! Nanny Nols is such fun, all she does is play with Boncie all day long!
Nolsy and Boncie cook a big pot of gaspatcho soup every Monday in our big Le Creuset pot, Boncie sits up on the bench and helps Nolsy by stiring the pot. Normally he has his own bowl of this sauce/soup after they are done. Today he decided he'd eat straight out of the Le Creuset pot!!!!
Mmmmmmm sauce everywhere!!

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Dirt is Good!

GGPups has a big dirt pile especially for Boncie to play in when he comes to visit.
Boncie always waters the plants (with storm water from a water tank) when he visits. Each time he fills up the watering can he says to us 'must save water', as we have told him we cannot fill the can from the tap for this reason - we must use the tank water!!

Boncie and Jammess.

Bread for the Ducks

GGPups lives in the leafy East and has two beautiful parks either end of his street, so when ever we visit we take a loaf of bread for the ducks as Boncie adores feeding them!

The Smell of Fresh Cut Grass

We did away with lawn at our place a few year's ago, so now we don't have any grass at home, so when Boncie gets to GGPups' place he goes nuts at the site of grass and mows all day long with his toy lawn mower!!
He loves the autumn leaves at the moment and enjoys mowing them up also!