Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Our Forever Home

We all agree that our new Mount Macedon house is our 'forever house'! We LOVE it!

Boncie all sleepy after playing in the garden! Lots of great places to hide!
Two little blokes Boncie's age living next door! Here they are on Boncie's bridge over his pond!
Okay it's a mess but I LOVE my craft room!!
Boncie's toy room
Happy Moi!
Welcome gift from our next door neighbours!!

And also home grown veggies and eggs from their chooks
Proud Boncie in his new Kinder jumper
Rest time with Toby!
Toby dogs new bed never made it to be his! Boncie took it on right away!
Zincked up at the park
Friendly neighbours to the park who Boncie always visits and feeds on the way home from the park

Boncie found a boomerang in the shed!
Oh what a poser in my hat!
With the park's neighbours again
and again
some of our yard
and some more
R&R for Boncie
Our kitchen/dining/living area
More googies from the neighbours chooks - still nice and warm...just laid!
One happy big dog with his new yar
BOncie's slide
More of the yard
One of the bathrooms (Boncie's bathroom so we are told!)
Writing room
fire room Boncie's bedroom
kitchen/dining/living room again
Packing up the 'ville ready to move!
My blokes at Bunnings doing some shopping for the new pad
Little Boncie with his trolley

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