Monday, November 16, 2009

November Bits and Pieces

Boncie with his hair freshly cut and his new shirt on - waiting for Daddy on platform 2!! Being a robot I'm told!

So cute in his new Industry t from Nanny Nolsy xx

Before the hair cut!
Cheeky little man
Playing with the light saber
With Daddy ready to head to a Cup Day party
Playing at his local park
making plum pies
Double up here!!
Up on the station again being a robot!
Take 2!!

Poor Alley Cat jumped up on the bench just as I was sparking the gas hobbs - he is now missing a few whiskers and some of them are rather Dali like! Went to a fab craft market in North Melbourne where our beautiful friend Cath was selling her clever creations. Picked up this Mobble Gobble (Cath's business) top and matching hair ties for Emily. Boncie also picked up a beautiful hand made flower broach made by Dusty (shown above the top below) - thank you clever ladies :-)

Also picked up this original 1969 kids shirt which was still in its pack! Boncie doesn't look so impressed below wearing it but it looks ace on!


spangles said...

I love the shirt - really retro - what a fantastic find. Boncie looks gorgeous in it. That top and matching hair set that you bought is also gorgeous - your friend is very clever and talented - her clothes are lovely and really unusual designs

spangles said...

did daddy know that the light sabre was being used???? I hear he is a tad protective of it