Sunday, August 31, 2008

Bath Time with Dadda

Boncie loves bath time, especially when Dadda joins him.
Bubbles are the best, the boys being silly!

Serious middle martin and serious frown


spangles said...

I scrolled down slowly worried about what the pictures would reveal next!!! The thought of poodle in the bath is not a good one! Boncie looks so lovely in that last picture!

MOUZEY said...

Aww how cute, love the last pic of spenc he looks so much like matty when his upset hahah!

Poodle said...

Yes, I was a bit concerned when these pics were being taken, as to which ones would make it onto the web. However, I was under the impression that I’d be given the final censorship on them before any were published. That impression, it seems, was about as accurate as Bobby Davro’s Mick Jagger!!