Sunday, August 31, 2008

Spring has Sprung!!

Finally Spring is here!! I am not a fan of winter. Here's a view from our back yard window - yay to the blossom! This beautiful blossom will turn into blood plums later on this year.

Home Made Sausage Rolls

Spence and I spent the morning with Ms Mobble Gobble and her crew. We had a yummy lunch which included her home made sausage rolls. They were so yummy I was inspired to make some this arvo.

Bath Time with Dadda

Boncie loves bath time, especially when Dadda joins him.
Bubbles are the best, the boys being silly!

Serious middle martin and serious frown

Saturday, August 30, 2008

Go Away Gastro!

Stay Clear of our household at the mo! Gastro has hit Poodle and I and it is not nice at all! Lucky Boncie has the immunity of an Ox so he's doing far.

We Are Family, Part II

Poodle and Lizyloo Jamie and Matty

Jamie and Frankie GGPups and Jamie
Boncie, Poodle, Lizyloo, Pa, Nanny, GGPups, Matty, Nanny Nols, Frankie, Jamie
Brooke (Thanks Mousee for taking the pic xx)

We Are Family!

Boncie and Jamie Boncie and Jamie blowing out the candles
Nanny Nols and Matty
Poodle, Nanny Nols, Matty and Nanny
Poodle, Lizyloo, Nanny Nols and Matty

Boncie and B&B

Boncie had a ball today at GGPups' Place for Jamie's Birthday. He loved hanging out with B&B.
Boncie and B cleaning up the leaves for GGPups
Sand time

Oh how cute!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Some of Boncie's Fave. things at the Moment are........

His Euro Trike The Wiggles, especially the 'White Wiggle' AKA Leo Sayer!!

Thomas The Tank wooden train set Thomas the Tank clock book

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Cutie Pie

Boncie's two fave. things to eat, butter and Nanny Nols' sauce!! Not too sure about eating off a knife even though it is a very blunt butter knife!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Making Cake......

Hmmmmm, what shall we do Mummy????
How about I make you a cake Mummy????
Are you ready for some cake Mummy???? Open wide Mummy........wet sand and green playdoh mmm mmm!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Extreme Painting!!

Boncie likes to paint at least once a day in general! Today he decided he'd do some extreme painting and paint with two brushes at once!

Charged with two brushes and ready for action! Do not disturb!

No More Photos!!

Photo of Boncie eating his yoghurt, had to sneak up on him to take his photo! NO MORE PHOTOS MUMMA!!!!

More Mr Funny Face!

Someone just loves pulling funny faces at the mo........

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Boncie at Brunch with his gang

Boncie had a ball at brunch this morning with his gang, baby chinos all round!!