Thursday, July 31, 2008

Anyone for Tea?

I've found this tea from a Company called Aveda who are a UK Co. and it's delicious.....caffeine free so ideal for evenings on a winter's night. It's organic which I like and is called Comforting Tea - it has a strong taste of licorice root and peppermint leaf, sounds worse than it tastes believe me!

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Where's Alley Mumma!

Boncie asked today 'Where's my cat Alley'? It's been almost a month since Alley died and Boncie's only just realised he's missing!

We told him that Alley died and that he won't be coming back. This may sound blunt but we wanted to be honest with him when he asked. We didn't do the whole cat in the sky thing as we are not religious but when he's a little older and understands we'll explain that lots of people have various views on what happens when you die, but until he's old enough to make up his own mind on death, we thought we best be honest and to the point.

Boncie said 'I want my Alley, I love him'. Poor little fella, he doesn't quite get death, however he does understand that Alley's not coming back.

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Goodbye Huggies, hello undies

Boncie has started to want to be a 'bigger boy' and use the toilet! So we have got in all the necessaries as you can see below and will begin toilet training this week. Luckily we have a few weeks off so I think we'll be spending a fair few days at home and in the toilet!! (a special thanks to Mrs KA for the lend of the books and the PowerPoint notes - you're a diamond xx)

When I grow up I want to be a.....................

Hairdresser it would seem!!!! Boncie loves doing his hair with his very own 'product' if you don't mind!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

20 cents will buy you......

A retro sewing out Baby Belle something will be coming your way soon :-)

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Mr Men

Boncie is loving MR Men, he insists we read him the books he has and loves watching the Mr Men DVDs. His fave. at the mo. is Mr Tickle - he loves him so much he takes the book to bed with him. Each day we purchase a new Mr Men book to add to his collection - soon he'll have all 46 of them!

Who's Your Daddy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Boncie thought both of these pics. were of him!! However one is Poodle - my boys look so much alike!

Monday, July 21, 2008

Dino Appliqué

How cool is this Dino Applique? Boncie got this in a party goodie bag at Dustanotor's Birthday a few weeks back. We ironed it on the knee of one of his fave. pair of jeans..........such a fab. and unique party goodie bag idea.

Lazy Sunday Arvo. with Dadda

Sunday arvo. relaxing on the sofa with Dadda xx

Cardy for Boncie

I've started knitting this pure wool cardy for Boncie. I've completed the back and the pockets, now onto the front left hand panel. This cardy has brown wooden toggles to do it up and a hood which has teddy bear ears and a face....toooooo cute and I love knitting with real wool, beats acyrlic that's for sure..........

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Banana Face

Boncie doing a silly banana face.

Wooly Winter Cradie

Debs made Boncie this beautiful pure wool cardie - he looks very cute in it and it keeps him super warm. Modelling off his new cardie

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Happy Birthday Pa

Boncie and I made Pa a Semi Trailer cake for his Birthday......

Topsey Turby is coming along

Jelly's dolly is coming along. Now all I need to do is add her dresses and she's complete!

Boncie with N&G

Baby you can drive my car.............

Matty with his new wheels - go Matty xx

Monday, July 7, 2008

Lemon Syrup Cake mmmm

I made this lemon syrup cake the other day and I have to say it tastes so delicious especially warmed up with some clotted creme. Very quick and simple to make and tastes so good!! What more could you want.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

R.I.P Saint Aloysius

Rest in Peace Aloysius - Alley died today - he had a heart attact at home and died in Poodle's arms. We burried him at GGPups' place where all our family animals go to lay in rest. Love you dear puss may you rest in peace under the magnolia tree xxxx