Sunday, August 22, 2010

Not So Boring, Boring Now :-)

Now it's not so boring, boring politics!! I love that it is a hung Parliament and the decision comes down to three; proves the two major parties are SO similar! I'm now interested and listening :-)

For your benefit Boncie, I'm so happy you are growing up in a time when a female Prime Minister is normal. I'm also glad you are growing up in a time when the major parties are so similar; as a result (in my view) either winning does not change your life too dramatically!

I'm also glad you'll grow up to vote for whom YOU choose! Similar to relegion, we'll educate and guide you on each party; however we will NOT indoctrinate you meaning you can make your own decision.

Althought I'd like the lady to win, I really won't be upset with who ever comes up trumps as they are both so similar......even down to their ocker accents LOL

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Boring, Boring Politics

Ohhh The fun and games of a Federal election ;-) While I'd like the first Australian female Prime Minister to win the game; life in our house really does not change regardless of which party is in power. We are as happy, comfortable and not without with either the Liberal or Labor Govt. in power. Thankfully E News was on Saturday night; far more interesting that two almost identical parties battling it out.....OH and who could forget the best thing about an election.....THE CHASER LOL

Friday, August 13, 2010

Mount Macedon Winter

Winter on Mount Macedon - Alley cat all warm indoors Warm bubble baths for Boncie
Indoors for Toby Dog with his faux fur rug
Sleeping lots

And lots in the beautiful bay sash windows with the sun streaming though
Watching TV
And more baths
Wrapping up warm
Lazying in Pj's
Baking treats
Dressing up
And relaxing
This is the life, how do the other half live :-)