Sunday, September 27, 2009

Grand Final/Royal Melbourne Show Weekend

Grand Final weekend we went to watch the game (well now really as we are no into AFL) and have a BBQ. The boys being silly. Ready to go to the BBQ
Cuddles with Mumma
Cute little man
At Kat and Simon's
Playing with Indi-Bo
Looking interested in the game
Break dancing for the crowd
One handed push ups!
Again, looking like he cares about the game :)

Beautiful boy

With Pa
All rugged up and ready to go to the Royal Melbourne Show. Thank you to lovely Kat for the tickets
Walking to the station - I LOVE this hate. I got in from one of my fave kids shops there, Baby Gap, when we were in the UK for Boncie's first Birthday and it only now just fits him :)
With Dadda at the show, walking to see the farm animals

Checking out the rodeo! And again, before we went and met the animals.
At the CeeBee's stand doing some art work
Boncie LOVES bubbles
Waiting for the train home at North Melbourne. Very cold so Boncie cuddles up with Dadda
Guess who picked the Buzz Lightyear Showbag??!!!!
Buzz Boncie

Monday, September 21, 2009

New Friend, a hair cut and a crazy hat

Boncie's new friend, a cute Kate Finn Golliwog. Boncie named him Wally, Kate Finn calls this Golliwog Chester. Boncie at the Barber's, Henry!
Cheeky boy in his Bab Gap hat I purchased him while in the UK for his first Birthday :) The smallest size they had was for a 4-5 year old, he finally fits into it!

And again
Oh so silly
See no evil!
Love the pom poms!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Hanging out at Williamstown Beach

Boncie making purple Playdoh Mumma and Boncie at the Playground
Playing at the Playground

Shapes made by Boncie from the Playdoh he made
Batman badge
And again
Boncie's Daisy Chain
And again
Bananas finger puppet from the Williamstown markets
Peeping through the pier at the water

Alley Cat has taken to sleeping in Boncie's Pram

Friday, September 18, 2009

Happy Birthday Daddy

Boncie and I making Daddy's Birthday cake (tart) The pastry base we made for the bakewell tart with black cherry jam
And the finished result

Boncie making Daddy a playdoh cake
Curious George pose
The 2 is actually turned around to make an S so Boncie tells me for Simon! Clever!
Plate Boncie decorated at 3 year old Kinder
Blowing out the candles on the playdoh cake

And now blowing out the candles on the bakewell tart - just like Daddy, Boncie loves almonds!

Daddy playing video games with Boncie, so focused!! hehehehehe - we are family xxxx

This time with boncie in the shot!

Cheeky monkey hiding under the fly net for the cake!!
Massive cuddles

Toby and Alley Cat snuggling up - or being squashed in Alley Cat's case :)
Alley Cat's fave. place in the cupboard where the DVD player lives - perhaps it is warm and cosy!!