Sunday, June 29, 2008

Thomas the Tank Outfit

Boncie LOVES Thomas the Tank - N&G gave him his first Thomas the Tank outfit and he choose it to wear today to GGPups' place.

Jelly's Topsey Turby Doll

Jelly's Topsey Turby doll is coming along. Here are the two skirts for her. Just a few more bits to knit and it will be time to put her together.

Big Banana

Nanny knitted Boncie a BIG Banana - he loves it and takes it to bed with him.

Big Boy Booster Seat

N&G purchased Boncie his new booster seat. He's now too big for his infant car seat so he's in a booster seat now! Boncie loves his new booster seat. He's most impressed with the arm rests and the two cup holders!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Rock Star!!!!

Boncie being a rock star with his guitar from N&G......ROCK ON Boncie!!!! Tuning the guitar!

N & G Come To Play

Boncie's N&G have come to visit and he LOVES spending time with them. Here is Boncie and N reading a fave. book of his which they gave to him.

Today Boncie went swimming with N&G, he wore his England swimming cossie for the first time which the lovely Spangles gave to him :-)

Saturday, June 14, 2008

An Aussie Institution!!

This Women's Weekly Birthday Cake Book was around when I was little and lots of our Birthday cakes were made from it. I purchased a copy of it today!!!! So excited. I made the cake you can see on the front of the mag. for Boncie's first Birthday. Looking forward to making many more cakes in the year's to come.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Painting Dog Dog's Kennel

Today we went to Maj's place for a play date. We had so much fun hanging with Maj and her Dadda and her friends. When we got home we started to paint Dog Dog's Kennel


Aloysius is a very silly kitty. Today I caught him with about half a meter of ribbon down his throat. He was chewing it like it was grass!! We have always known he's a little 'special' Here he is chewing on the ribbon. He has about the same amount that you can see in the above pic, down his throat!

My First Remote Controlled Car

Poodle purchased Boncie his first remote controlled car today. Poodle said it was really for Boncie but me thinks a large part of the purchase was also for his entertainment!!!! Boncie LOVES the car, poor Poddle doesn't get much of a go on it as Boncie is too attached!!

Friday, June 6, 2008

Crazy Cat Named Milo

Hmmmm let me see, what's inside Boncie's tiger bag....... It's crazy cat Milo
He's so happy sleeping in Boncie's tiger bag

Just a Lazy Saturday

Saturday started with doodling a pic of dog dog...... Then a visit to GGPups' place

Mixing up 4 decks of playing cards for GGPups!!!!
Then off to Nanny and Pa's place for milk and to stay the weekend

How to make Playdoh

2 cups of plain flour
4 tbs cream of tartar
2 tbs cooking oil (we just use olive oil)
1 cup of salt
2 cups of water
food colouring

glitter - this is something we add to make it even more special and Boncie loves to sprinkle the glitter in the saucepan.

mix the ingredients in a saucepan, stir over medium heat for 3-5 minutes or until the mixture congeals and bingo you have playdoh.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Random Bits and Pieces from Our Week

Boncie in his gummys Boncie and Mumma on the 'puuta'
Boncie watching Play School with Big Ted and Mr Humpty Dumpty

Baking Today

Today Boncie and I made some shortbread. Boncie was such a great help! I measured all the necessary ingred. while Boncie put all the ingred. into the Kitchen Aid mixer. Boncie also helped roll the balls and press the fork into them. Below is the finished results. Now....time to taste test......
Boncie also asked if we could bake some bacon and egg pies so we whipped up some short crust pastry and made some mini bacon and egg pies.
Boncie also helped make a carrott cake for our neighbours and a banana cake for GG Pups. This boy loves his baking just like his Mumma!!!!


Boncie and I had a day full of 'making stuff'. I asked Boncie what he would like to do today and he said he'd like to make playdoh, pink in fact!! Pinks his fave. colour at the moment. So we whipped up some pink playdoh with red glitter in it.
One very happy little man with his pink playdoh